Heo3 specializes in Far-UV Sterilray™ Technology and High Energy Ozone generators. Heo3 is seeking to partner with companies that have a need for dry, chemical free disinfection.All patents are currently owned by S. Edward Neister, Pathogen Path Consultants LLC (PPC) and as the sole inventor, Neister has granted to Sterilray, Inc. a royalty-free license to make, use, sell, offer to sell, develop, and improve on, any of the technologies contained within such patents. PPC will file two or more additional patents on Far-UV Sterilray™ device variations in 2016.
Far-UV Sterilray Sues Healthe, Inc. and Far UV Technologies, Inc.
May 19, 2021 (Somersworth, New Hampshire)– Far-UV Sterilray™, the developer and holder of patents for methods and uses...