Far-UV Sterilray™ Advantages
• Lamp life exceeds 30,000 hours. (3.5 years!)
• Dry, chemical-free deactivation of all pathogens.
• Green Clean – environmentally friendly.
• Produces high-level destruction of amplicons and pathogen in Bio Safety Hoods.
• Far-UV Sterilray™ produces up to 1000 times greater destruction than any other UV sources.
• These Far-UV Sterilray™ Lamps have been engineered so as not to produce ozone.
• Far-UV Sterilray™ is up to 1,000 times more effective than Germicidal UVC.
• Rugged construction withstands harsh Safety Hood environments.
• Lamp is not affected by temperature or humidity.
• There are no electrodes to wear out. • Power level is adjustable.
• Lamp does not contain mercury or other dangerous materials.
• Lamp length of 14, 18, or 23” for various applications.
• 150, 250 or 500 watts per lamp.