GermBuster Sabre in house

Powered by Far-UV Sterilray™

Ergonomic design with both deactivation and balance in mind:

Utilizes Human Safe Far-UV technology
   with a 30,000 lamp life warranty.
Instant on/off at full output power, Can
  be left on for continuous deactivation.
Easy-to-use Can be plugged into a
   120/240 power supply  or use a DC adapter
   to run off a 2.5 Ah EGO battery. (Not included)
Dry, Chemical Free – environmentally
  friendly, will not harm interior surfaces.
  The lamps contain no mercury.
The GermBuster Sabre deactivates pathogens by passing the sabre 1-2″ above the surface at about 1-2 feet per second.
The GermBuster Sabre can also be used for powerful air deactivation of pathogens for social events.
GermBuser Sabre has a 4 year warranty.
Option brackets and hard case Allows sabre
   to be mounted on a wall or door as well as transported
   safely in a hard case.
Flexible financing options are available.

Air and Surface Deactivation

The Sabre is ideally suited for the deactivation of pathogens on surfaces throughout the day. It can also be used to deactivate airborne pathogens as a portable solution.

GermBuster Sabre in house
Germbuster Sabre on top of signed guitars in cases New Hampshire Tech picture

Proven Effective

Multiple studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of 222nm Far-UV to deactivate viable SARS-CoV-2. This technology can be used to deactivate airborne pathogens in both unoccupied and occupied spaces.

Click on any photo to enlarge

two Sabres, one with EGO battery inside an ambulance picture
Germbuster Sabre in ambulance on brackets with closeup insert picture
Germbuster Sabre inside ambulance hanging on brackets picture
handheld Germbuster Sabre in front of cannabis plants with inset of comparison plants image
GermBuster Sabre at a Wedding
GermBuster Sabre at a Wedding

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